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Benefits of Hiring a Personal Trainer
Advantage of Bodyweight Training For People Who Have Never Done Sports
Fitness equipment and trendy workout routines may come and go, but we will always have access to the simplest form of exercise: bodyweight training.
In truth, bodyweight exercises are incredibly effective for people of all levels, especially those who are getting started now.
If you’ve never done sports in your life, bodyweight training is the simplest and least intimidating way to take your first steps toward a fit and active lifestyle.
Below, we’ve outlined four advantages of bodyweight training. Let’s see what they are…
1. You Can Adjust The Difficulty Based On Your Current Fitness Level
Let’s face it:
Most types of training out there can be intimidating. For example, gym training is scary for most beginners because it feels incredibly challenging, there are many advanced individuals there, and everything feels complex and foreign.
In contrast, bodyweight training is simple, effective, and much less intimidating for beginners. Plus, almost every exercise out there has an easier alternative you can use to get started. For example, if you’re not strong enough to do regular push-ups, you can begin with knee push-ups. If those are too challenging, you can start by pushing your body against a wall or kitchen counter.
This goes for almost every exercise out there. You can always tweak it to be more or less challenging, depending on what you need.
2. It Helps You Gain a Solid Base to Build Upon
If you’ve never done sports before, you’re probably not as athletic as you would like. The great thing about bodyweight training is that it fixes that problem right away.
In truth, bodyweight training is fantastic because it works on multiple characteristics - strength, power, agility, muscle coordination, and more. This helps you develop a solid fitness base to build upon.
And the best part is, getting started is much easier. Let’s see why:
3. It’s Convenient
One of the biggest roadblocks people face when they decide to get fit is establishing good fitness habits. Bodyweight training is fantastic precisely because it is convenient and making a habit of it is much simpler.
For example, training at a gym is great. But it’s also tied to preparations at home, commuting, and paying for a membership. You might also have to wait around for equipment, carry out awkward conversations, and more.
Bodyweight training comes with none of those things, and it’s a lot more convenient. If you want, you can do it in the middle of your living room. If you’re on the road, you can do it in your hotel. If you’re out and about, you can have a quick workout on the beach or in the park.
This convenience makes getting started a lot easier, which helps us stay more consistent and achieve better results in the long run.
4. It Never Gets Boring
Prevailing wisdom suggests that fitness doesn’t necessarily have to be fun or engaging. Instead, it should serve as a means to an end. We disagree.
In truth, fitness should be fun. You should look forward to each upcoming workout. This is crucial for your adherence and long-term motivation.
The great thing about bodyweight training is that you can pick from thousands of activities and dozens of training styles. Plus, you can always improve in some ways. This results in a fun and engaging experience that never gets old or stale.
Getting started can be challenging, especially if you’ve never done any sports, and we understand that.
If you’re looking for a competent professional personal trainer in the Dallas area don’t hesitate to contact us and set yourself on the path for success.
The Importance of Daily Flexibility Work for Older Individuals
Let’s face it:
Stretching is not an exciting topic. It’s challenging, unpleasant, and sometimes dull.
But, working on our flexibility is integral if we want to remain healthy, injury-free, and move around freely. The importance of flexibility becomes even more significant as we get older.
In this post, we’ve gone over four crucial reasons why daily flexibility work is vital for aged individuals.
Let’s see...
1. It Helps Alleviate Pain And Prevent Future Aches
Stiffness and stagnation breed pain. When tissues cannot move around freely, they get achy, limiting our ability to move around.
Take, for example, the hips. When the surrounding tissues shorten and become stiff, we start experiencing aches, and simple activities like walking can become challenging. But, as we work to lengthen the muscles around the hips, our ability to walk, run, squat, lunge, and do all sorts of sporty activities improves. Aches become a thing of the past, and we become much better able to stay active and tackle our day-to-day tasks.
2. It Helps You Exercise More Effectively
Regular exercise is among the most beneficial things we can do to boost our mood and energy, stay healthy, and live a long life. But, to exercise safely and effectively, we need good flexibility.
Most activities require at least basic flexibility, which can be a massive roadblock for stiff and immobile individuals.
Daily flexibility work is incredibly beneficial because it loosens us up and allows us to do various exercises safely and through a long range of motion. For example, squats are a fantastic exercise. But to do them safely and effectively, you need good hip movement. The best way to open up your hips is to do regular flexibility work.
3. It Reduces The Risk Of Future Injuries
Injuries generally come in two categories: acute and cumulative. Acute injuries are those that occur suddenly - for example, if we pull or tear a muscle. Cumulative injuries come from repeated action that slowly breaks down the integrity of connective tissues, joints, and muscles.
The risk of developing either type of injury is significantly lower when a person has good flexibility.
When you have good flexibility, you can perform various movement patterns more safely and without stressing tissues. Plus, the risk of acute injuries (tears, pulls, and similar) is much smaller.
4. It Helps You Get In The Rhythm And Gain Momentum
When you do something every once in a while, falling off the wagon is easy. But, if you make it a point to do flexibility exercises every day, you get in a rhythm. An activity that was once optional is now part of your life.
By making it a habit, you gain momentum, and the idea of not doing flexibility exercises seems unimaginable.
Plus, by doing daily flexibility work, you can have shorter sessions and still achieve great results. Instead of having to do thirty minutes of stretching once in a while, you can do as little as five minutes per day and reap tremendous benefits.
What’s Next?
You probably feel a bit overwhelmed right now, and that’s normal. Even the seemingly simple topic of flexibility can be incredibly challenging to understand and apply to our lives.
If you need more support or are looking for a good personal fitness trainer in the Dallas area, don’t hesitate to contact us and get started today.
Four Benefits of working with a Personal Trainer
Nowadays, the personal training industry is literally booming, with online personal trainer services and our own unique personal fitness training services doing better now than ever before. The human race in general, is in a pretty bad way. Worldwide obesity rates are at record breaking highs, life expectancies are decreasing, and people are generally fatter and unhealthier than ever before.
Because of this, the need for expert help and guidance has never been greater, which again, is why more and more people are deciding to seek help from the online personal trainer industry, or to speak one on one with a personal trainer and get help when needed.
When you hire our professional trainer online, you will have to feel like you’ve personally trained with Mr Universe Julian Grishajev. Moreover ,you will feel fitter and healthier than ever before. Here we’ll be taking a look at 4 benefits of working with a personal trainer.
You’re held accountable – One of the main benefits of hiring a personal trainer is the fact that you’re held completely accountable for your actions. Say for example, you decide to skip your workout and order an extra large pizza with double cheese. If you were training alone, this wouldn’t be an issue, but if you’re working with a good personal trainer, you would have to explain why you skipped your workout, and why you gained weight. Most people would rather not suffer the embarrassment of being held accountable, and would instead much rather prefer to simply stick with the original plan and get fit and healthy.
You learn from the best – One of the main benefits of working with a personal trainer or sign up for online personal training is that you learn from the best. They show you not only which exercises and movements to perform, but they also teach you how to perform them correctly so as to see the most benefits. Not only that, but they show and teach you things that will stick with you forever so that you can utilize them in the comfort of your own home or anywhere else for that matter.
Your professional fitness trainer help to motivate you – another one of the many great benefits of working with a personal trainer is the fact that they will help to motivate you and spur you on. We all have days where we can’t be bothered to exercise, and if we do manage to drag ourselves to the gym, we basically go through the motions trying to get in and out as quickly as we possibly can. On days like those however, a PT will prove extremely useful as they will motivate you and shout words of encouragement, not to mention the fact that they won’t allow you to slack off as they will put you through your paces so that you see results as quickly as possible.
Your personal trainer will keep you safe – gyms are dangerous places, and working out can be pretty dangerous as well, for a variety of different reasons. All it takes is one slip, or one executed exercise and you could seriously injure yourself, or potentially even lose your life. PTs will show you how to safely and correctly use each piece of machinery and equipment, how to warm up so as to avoid pulled/torn muscles, and how to utilize perfect form with each exercise to prevent injuries.
Men's Fitness - Pros and Cons
For men, keeping fit can be a mixed bag. Some love it, whilst others, well, sadly, others don’t, and for that reason they decide not to bother at all. Keeping fit is far from easy, just ask our online Personal Trainer in the Dallas area, whether it’s easy or not and you’ll soon receive your answer, which unfortunately, won’t be the answer you’re looking for. Men’s fitness is vitally important for so many reasons, but actually finding, not only the time, but also the activities you enjoy as well, can be quite a chore in itself. Despite this, there are a number of benefits associated with men’s fitness and so here’s a look at a few pros and cons for you to mull over.
Pro: You’ll be fit and healthy – One of the most popular and more common reasons why men all over the globe make a conscious decision to exercise regularly and get fit, is so that they become fit and healthy. Keeping fit not only helps you to burn body fat, plus it strengthens your internal organs, it boosts immunity – protecting against illness and disease, including cancer. As if that wasn’t enough, it can also improve mental health and well-being by boosting endorphin and serotonin production – helping to prevent conditions such as depression, stress, and anxiety, which is ideal for mental health and well-being.
Con: It isn’t easy – Like all things in life, anything worth having does not come easy, and sadly that is especially apparent when it comes to men’s fitness. It can take weeks, months, even years for you to get fully fit and healthy, not to mention the fact that you need to make drastic changes to your diet and your lifestyle in general. Working out to improve your fitness is not simple, you will sweat, you will ache, there will be days when you just cannot be bothered to exercise and would rather lounge around, eating junk, and doing nothing, but once you push through these barriers, you will soon begin seeing, and feeling, the benefits.
Pro: You look better and feel better about yourself – Nine times out of ten, if we had the chance to lose fat and build muscle, we’d take that chance because virtually nobody wants to be overweight. Being overweight will make you self conscious, it will mean you can’t wear nice clothing confidently, or even find clothes that fit for that matter. By keeping fit and exercising regularly, you’ll begin losing weight, toning up, and will begin to feel better about yourself. By the time you’ve finished, you’ll feel as if you’ve taken up Dallas personal training with Mr Universe, as you’ll ache, you’ll be pumped, you’ll look great, and you’ll really feel as if you’ve been put through your paces.
Con: There will be times when you struggle – Whilst embarking on any new fitness journey, there will be times when you’re making fantastic progress, and there will also be times when you struggle. You may hit a natural weight loss plateau, or perhaps your stamina won’t be improving noticeably, but the thing to remember is never to give up. You will have bad days, bad weeks, bad months in fact, where you just want to eat junk and barely lift a finger. You may even break your diet and skip your workouts. This isn’t a sign of failure, it’s a sign of being human, and all you can do is dust yourself off and start again fresh on the next day.
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Consult with your doctor if you start taking supplements or before beginning any diet or exercise program